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1. Family

Our nine annual CPN Connect program for 2021 focus on “Rebuilding Family Walls” have influenced more than 20 families in the network. Two families who are not part of the network came and were so blessed. In order for us to lead others, we must first lead ourselves and our families. There must be some form of order, discipline and control in the family unit. Hence, at CPN Connect we talk about family and networking on a monthly basis. The year 2023 program will be designed to meet the needs of young graduates, young couples, older couples, widows & single parents. There will be weekly programs leading up to the monthly ones.

2. Education

Quality education means best curriculum, competent teachers, conducive environment with sufficient resource for students and teachers, rigid monitoring and evaluation system and effective and efficient curriculum implementation system. This has been the driving force for PNGCPN to work closely with the education department. We are one of the stakeholders in developing early childhood curriculum as well as liaising with the education department of developing a scholarship for National School of Excellence.

3. Church

Though PNG is a Christian country, there are so many denominations with different doctrines that are causing disunity in the Body of Christ. We are the voice of the church in the market place and are advocating for Unity in the church. One of the projects that we have been leading that the parliament has approved is the National Unity and Identity Pillar. Currently, we are in a process of working closely with PNG Counsel of Churches, Evangelical alliance and the Body of Christ to promote unity among Christian denominations.

4. Business

We have advocated and supported more than 100 SMEs during our short time span. Three businesses have directly been started using the platform that CPN created. These business in turns created or supported more than 100 SMEs. Unity Mall has given opportunity to more than 90 mothers and now they are constructing the first ever PNG customer owned supermarket to sell mostly local fresh produce which are sourced from within central and the neighboring provinces while Beyond Finance has supported more 50 SME owners. At the same time, TREL has assisted Papua New Guineans to buy, rent and own properties. Even though the economy was hard hit by Covid, we managed to sail through the storm by the grace of God. It is now our dream and desire to see Papua New Guineans becoming entrepreneurs to build globally recognized brands. We are committed to empower and encourage more than 50 SMEs every year of which 1 or 2 reaching corporate stages.

5. Government

We believe and know that the rise and fall of any organization or a government is leadership. Hence, most of what we have been doing is advocating servant, God fearing transformational leadership. Over the years we have been advising Government in various capacities. PNGCPN stands to assist PNG government to make PNG a rich Christian nation with zero corruption. What we have been doing includes; providing technical advice on human development and assist in legal matters on PNG being recognized as a Christian nation as well as advising and one of our volunteers has joined the Department of Justice and Attorney General to assist in developing the first ever PNG maritime law. We also provide technical advice for PNG to take higher stake from our resources specifically in the petroleum and mining sectors. Porgera takeback is just the beginning. We are in a process of drafting a district and provincial development plan and incubating, nurturing and sharing knowledge for the government of the day to make informed decisions. We are doing this for the love of this nation.

6. Media

One of the medium where information travels so fast is media (Main stream & Social media). There are all kinds of information that passes through this medium. Some are good and some are fake. This is the medium that portraits a bad or good image of a nation or a particular geography or ethnic groups. Our team has formerly or informedly supported our Christian Radio and TV stations to send out positive messages. We are planning to work very closely with the main stream media to disseminate positive messages to positively influence our generation on respect, love, hardwork, partnership and sharing to name the few.

7. Arts and Entertainment

Skills and talents of individuals have mostly been ignored or suppressed. Most Papua New Guineans have special skills and talents in art but we never recognised them. Some are expressing it in music and others in drawing and other art work. PNGCPN is working with few to identify the talents and skills and support them. We are also planning programs to positively influence the entertainment industry.

Partner Links

  • Tertiary Students Christian Fellowship
  • Scripture Union
  • Radio Light
  • bta Papua New Guinea