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Our Programs

Our value based trainings, workshops, conference, debates and panel discussions are directed at producing Christ-Like leaders to positively influence Arts and Entertainment, Media, Business, Government, Family, Church and Education.

We provide moral campus for the younger generation through the Word of God to discern the right things to do from all the good things. These programs are delivered through Annual Emerging Leaders’ Summit, Minds Meet, CPN Connect, Chairman’s Breakfast, Transformational Leadership & Governance workshops, pFinancial Literacy and Investment Seminars and Spiritual Development Discussions. These Programs are conducted at national, provincial and local campus based.

Our Impact

The campus ministry was started in the 1960s and raised God fearing leaders in every sector of our societies. Almost half of every employee in an oganization will profess that he/she had attended TSCF gathering or was a member.

Prominent people in the likes of IRC Commissioner Mr. Sam Koim, Customs Commissioner David Towe, Secretary of Attorney Generals Dr. Eric Kua, Advisors to the Prime Minister Dr. John Kuwimb, Dr. Clement Waine, Dr. David Kavanamur and Former Chief Imigration Officer Robert Bara Kennedy. These are the people who are very influential in the government departments.

We have graduates in every organization maintaining godly standards in the market place. Currently PNGCPN wants to mobilize the graduates through networking to see Christ-Like life in the market place. We want to see Christian professionals fearing God by doing the right things and serving the people with their hearts.

Our Achievements

What we have accomplished so far

The following are some of the impact projects and programs that we support and facilitate. Though these Projects, programs and events many lives have been changed; good and quality leaders we birthed. These programs include;

Church Partnership

Partner with the Churches and Department of Religious and Community Development to host National Repentance day programs annually.

Supporting TSCF

Our graduates support Tertiary Students Christian Fellowship in the provinces and regions as the students focus on reaching other students for Christ.

Outreach Program

Annual visitiation of settlements to feed needy people through our “each one reach one” program during the Easter and Christmas periods. 

Leadership Summit

Annual Emerging Leaders’ Summit to raise transformational leaders to positively influence the seven mountains of influence. 

Minds Meet

An quaterly panel discussion involving experts through “Minds Meet” to discuss important issues affecting lives of the people in PNG.

CPN Connect

Through “CPN connect” program, Christian professionals are invited to connect, inspire and empower each other to positively influence the seven mountains of influence. 

Partner Links

  • Tertiary Students Christian Fellowship
  • Scripture Union
  • Radio Light
  • bta Papua New Guinea